Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at CU Boulder is the premier undergraduate and graduate program in Colorado by reputation, rankings and size. Nationally, we are ranked No. 20 among public electrical engineering graduate programs, and No. 15 among public computer engineering graduate programs by U.S. News and World Report.
A message from professor and former chair Bob McLeod.
Working together for equity and justice: A message from Chair Chris Myers
July 24, 2023
Continued vigilance in identifying and addressing racism in all its forms is needed to create an inclusive and welcoming environment. I stand with our students of color in their efforts to raise awareness and bring about equity and justice.
Read more about Working together for equity and justice: A message from Chair Chris Myers
Erickson wins prestigious IEEE power electronics award
July 29, 2023
Professor Bob Erickson has been awarded the 2021 IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award for his contributions to power electronics education and analysis, modeling, and design of power converters.
Read more about Erickson wins prestigious IEEE power electronics award
Student team headed for finals of Future Energy Challenge
Read more about Student team headed for finals of Future Energy Challenge
Enabling the ways we work
July 7, 2023
Alumnus Fletcher Richman's (ElCompEngr'14) startup success grew from a passion for productivity tools.
Read more about Enabling the ways we work
Leap in lidar could improve safety, security of new technology
July 6, 2023
In a new paper, published in Optica, CU Boulder electrical engineering researchers describe a new silicon chip that improves the resolution and scanning speed needed for a lidar system.
Read more about Leap in lidar could improve safety, security of new technology